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Here you can find a description of the different ways you can get experience points ("xp" from now on) through the year. There are some things that will give you more experience points, but if you want to become a true space explorer, you will have to master all the different areas. 

The maximum amount of experience points that you can get during the year is 10.000.


1 term: 4.000 xp max. 2 & 3 term: 3.000 xp max. each

Tests and test-like activities will give you up to 2.100-2.800 xp./term.


The xp given by each test will depend on the amount of tests/term.


Your performance in activities, projects and missions, as well as your attitude and initiative during the training will give you up to 900-1.200 xp/term

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1st term.png
3rd term.png

Discipline and initiative are essential aspects when you are training to be a space explorer. Here you have a description of specific situations that can give or take away experience points.


Participation during a lesson: 5 px (up to 150-200 xp/term).

Behaviors that disrupt the session: -5 to -10 xp.

Being late to the session: -10 xp.

not ready.png

Behaviors that make the session easier: 10 xp (up to 150-200 xp/term).

Not assisting the session with a justifiable cause: -30 xp.

Not being ready when the instructor arrives: -10 xp.

Extra initiative and interest in science will be rewarded with additional experience points. The maximum amount of extra experience points you can get is 200 xp (first term), or 150 xp (2nd and 3rd term). There are several ways you can get extra xp. 


Extra missions. In this website, you can check the missions. In each mission it specifies the amount of xp you can get.

You can also bring a science news to a session, and explain it with the help of pictures of other media. You can obtain up to 30 xp this way. 


Museums: In the extra missions, there are some bigger missions that give you more xp: visiting a museum and doing an activity about it. 

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